What is the "Fun Zone"?

The "Fun Zone" is a page for projects that don't "market" well enough for the main page but that I am nonetheless proud of. Here you'll find mods for other games, fun but simple "toys", or just older projects I really like. Many of these projects can be played in browser too. Now that you are within my realm, you may as well stay awhile!

No Fun Zone


An arcade style shoot'em'up about a robot stuck on a trampoline, dead set on destroying all fun. Like Momma's Gonna Hit Ya, this game was made in the Unity Engine and is coded entirely by me. I also dove into sprite animation and timelines with this project. I used Piskel to make and animate the sprites.

The player, and many obstacles, bounce the moment they touch the ground. The player's vertical movement can be controlled somewhat through a "Hover" mechanic that locks the player's height in place. Maneuvering around danger can be tricky in this game, but once you've gotten the hang of hovering, it's lots of fun. The game even has controller support!

My highscore is 103200 by the way.

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Momma's Gonna Hit Ya With A Shoe


Or just "Momma's Gonna Hit Ya" for short. This is the first game I have ever released on the Internet. It's a puzzle game based on The Pillars of Hinoi: You must reorganize the blocks into patterns shown to you, but can only take a block off the top of a stack and can only hold one block at a time. A good deal of my programming skills are shown off in this project. The sounds and (unfortunately) the art are also made by me.

I have a highscore of 1297219. Not that you'll ever beat it. ;)

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A soothing little webpage where you can splat raindrops against a ball, or just watch them fall. The droplets build up speed as they fall, with the splatter flying higher the faster the raindrop was. The programming was done in JavaScript, with p5.js implemented for the graphics.

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A map and datapack that turns Minecraft into a DOOM-inspired FPS. Though made for fun, I also see this as a great excuse to get the fabled "100 bad levels" out of my system. The map can be downloaded from Planet Minecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/doomcraft-a-doom-inspired-fps/